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3 Lessons

What is Reiki?

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) - the language of light, is a laying on of hands healing technique thousands of years old. It is thought to have originated as a Tibetan Buddhist practice that was rediscovered in the late 1800's by Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist. It is a very simple technique yet very powerful that can be easily learned by anyone.

Rei - refers to Spiritual Wisdom. I believe that this is the wisdom that comes from the Universe, or our Higher Self.

Ki-  refers to the Life Force. It is also known as Chi in Chinese, Prana in Sanskrit, and Mana in Hawaii. 

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What is Reiki?

The person who is attuned as a Reiki Healer has had their bodies energy channels, also known as chakras, opened and cleared of obstructions by the Reiki attunements. They now will receive an increase in their own KI energy for their own healing, and are connected to the source of all universal KI

The person who has received their Reiki attunements also experiences an increase in life force energy. They then experience an energy that first heals them, and then also heals others without the risk of depleting their own energy.

Reiki is guided by the Universe, or our Higher Power, it can do no harm, and it always knows what a person needs and will self-adjust to create the most appropriate effect for them. The practitioner does not do the healing, they facilitate it.

Reiki level one is primarily for self healing, and although you may work on someone else, they must be present for you to lay your hands directly on them.

Reiki level two adds more symbols and considerable power to the direct session. It also gives added tools and methods for doing healing with someone not physically present, known as distance healing.

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